There are many reasons why counsellors and therapists might feel it appropriate to refer patients to Al-Anon.
Whether you provide individual, couples or family therapy, consider the benefits your troubled patients might gain from attending an Al-Anon group.
Al-Anon may complement family and relationships work. Attending Al-Anon Family Group meetings can complement the work done with one-to-one counselling and provide a forum in which the person is encouraged to attend to their own needs
rather than those of the alcoholic.
Al-Anon does not provide counselling or therapy. However, you may find that the support and understanding your clients receive in Al-Anon meetings has a positive effect on the outcome of their therapy. Al-Anon members share a common experience.
All Al-Anon members will have experience of trying to cope with a relative’s or friend’s alcoholism. This can help those of your clients in a similar situation to feel understood and accepted. If you feel it is appropriate, consider pointing the way to a local Al-Anon meeting. A free and confidential source of support.
Al-Anon group meetings are free and take only voluntary donations, from members, to pay for group expenses and literature. Anything they choose to talk about in a meeting will be treated as strictly confidential.
Is a client or family member’s drinking affecting you?
Like anyone, counsellors can be deeply affected by a relative or friend’s drinking. If you feel you need support in coping with a problem drinker in your life, please consider attending an Al-Anon meeting yourself.
Teachers are often the first to become aware of students affected by drinking in the family home. Signposting students to Al-Anon Family Groups can help them to find support free them to focus on their academic work.
Alcoholism is a family disease and it can leave young students feeling they don’t have a safe and secure home that is conducive to study.
Are you concerned about the home life of one of your students?
Has a student openly admitted to being upset or disrupted by another person’s drink problem? Perhaps a student has been struggling with their performance and you suspect there is alcoholism in their home.
By signposting them to Alateen, they could find the support and hope they need to turn things around.
Free, anonymous support for students affected by another’s drinking.
Alateen meetings are free and all members will protect the anonymity of any students attending. Should they decide to talk about their problems, everything they say will be treated as confidential.
As a GP, nurse, doctor or another medical professional, you will have seen the negative effects alcohol has on the family members and friends connected with alcoholics. Al-Anon Family Groups provides a free and supportive environment for anyone affected by the drinking of somebody else, regardless of whether the drinker is still in their lives.
Although alcoholics may turn to Alcoholics Anonymous or rehab or even end up in a hospital bed, their families and friends often have to cope with their problems alone. Given the limited time and opportunity for medical professionals to help family members, Al-Anon is a valuable resource. Signposting to an Al-Anon meeting gives those affected by someone else’s drinking access to comfort, hope and support.

Al-Anon Helpline
Talk to a member in confidence
7 days a week
Contact Us
Al-Anon Family Support Groups
Shivani: +971 55 118 8532
Nicky: +971 58 546 0509
Alton: +971 58 594 3611
Email us: alanonuae@gmail.com
Elle: +971 52 268 9042
Useful Links
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